I must say, this is most interesting! What are the chances? It may mean absolutely nothing, but on the other hand......... This is THE year for 70 years (from 1948 till the Second Coming IF-----hear me?------I said IF the Lord wants 70 years------only He knows). 1948 + 70 = 2018. 2012 + 7 (for the Tribulation Period IF-----I said IF-----the Rapture is this year) = 2019. Humm. Seems like we are already to 71, not 70? Not so fast. The Great Tribulation (last 3 1/2 years of the 7 year Tribulation) is shortened by one third (see Matt. 24:21 & 22 and Rev. 8:12), and one third of 3 1/2 years is one year and two months. So, by our present time standard, 2019 would actually be 2018, 70 years after 1948!

A huge war is building in the Middle East. Most experts place Israel's window to move against Iran's nuclear facilities now down to just around 3 months. After that it will be too late. Will Israel allow Iran to go nuclear? Throughout the Bible the Rapture is always associated with an event of "sudden destruction" that comes totally without warning. Any coincidence that this big war is building for THIS fall, THE fall that would correspond (if it is the sudden destruction event) to 70 years from 1948 till the Second Coming? Remember that all prophesied events for the first century (destruction of Jerusalem, taking down of the second temple, scattering of the Jewish people to the nations) from the birth of Jesus were fulfilled in 70 years (0 AD till 70 AD)! And most importantly understand that the parable of the fig tree in the Bible connects the first century with our present time period since Israel became a nation in 1948! Let me say this one more time. The two time periods are connected in the parable of the fig tree!

The evidence is quite compelling that something HUGE might be about to happen (the Rapture and beginning of the 7 year Tribulation Period), but only the Most High knows for sure. Add to all of this that JUST LIKE the days of Noah, people right now are "eating, drinking, buying, selling, building, planting, marrying and giving in marriage, etc." In other words life is very normal. And finally, most people are totally asleep and totally oblivious to where we are in time. Churches are simply snoring, deep asleep, many of them providing little more than "fluff" from their pulpits, messages that are worthless considering the vast amount of relevant scripture that should be coming from their pulpits!

One more thing. Most people are very lukewarm about the Lord, much more interested in their comfortable life in America with lots of material goodies! This too is prophesied for these End Times.


P.S. Did you know that Obamacare (IF it is not repealed or changed) calls for the "chipping" of people beginning in March of 2013? During the 7 year Tribulation Period people will have to take a "mark" (very likely the current microchip that can be embedded right under the skin) to buy or sell. Those who refuse to take the "mark" will be targeted by the antichrist for death.

P.P.S. Want a tiny bit more? Rosh Hashanah is THE Jewish feast that correlates to the Rapture. It is not known what "day and hour" the feast begins, since the new moon must be spotted right after sunset from Israel, and there could be as much as a 2 to 3 day variance on this. At the LAST TRUMP (shofar blowing) in Old Testament times the Jew would leave the field and go to the temple to be with the Lord. The Canaanite would stay working in the field. At the LAST TRUMP in these End Times (since 1948 when Israel returned as a nation) the dead in Christ will rise, and those of us who know Christ (Israel's long-rejected Messiah as PROVED in the OLD Testament (the Jewish Bible)) will rise with them to meet the Lord in the air, and we will be removed from the earth BEFORE the darkness of the Tribulation Period envelopes the earth. The unbelievers will remain on the earth to face the most terrifying 7 years in all of human history, as God's and satan's wrath are both poured out upon the earth!

P.P.P.S. If you are Jewish (and this e-mail is going to some of my Jewish friends), it is not too late (yet) to receive ISRAEL's long-rejected Messiah as your Lord and Savior and escape the terror to come. If you are Jewish and want OLD Testament proof that He is our Messiah, just contact me and I will give you all the scripture you could possibly handle! The rabbis are wrong! Christ IS OUR JEWISH MESSIAH!

P.P.P.P.S If you are reading this and you go to some denominational church that teaches little more than humanism from its pulpit, go get out a Bible, dust it off, and read it!

P.P.P.P.P.S (just about out of "P"s) And would some of those deeply asleep pastors out there wake up and get rid of the unimportant "fluff" coming from their pulpits, and provide some true substance (lots and lots of relevant scripture)?! Stop being afraid of what people think and start being GOD-pleasers! God is not pleased about those who will shrink away from Him, not wanting to offend anyone from the pulpit!

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Don Endsley Date: Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 3:55 PM Subject: Fw: WOE! YOU HAVE TO SEE WHAT I FOUND!!!!!! / Tom Gaston To: ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Tom To: Undisclosed-Recipient@yahoo.com Sent: Thu, August 30, 2012 3:28:24 PM Subject: WOE! YOU HAVE TO SEE WHAT I FOUND!!!!!! / Tom Gaston

This is totally amazing!

I decided to go to the online calculator in order to see how many days there are between September 11, 2001 to September 16, 2012, which is 29th Elul ( the eve of Rosh Ha Shanah / Feast of trumpets / First Tishri ).

Your not going to believe this!

calculator below is found here................http://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html

Duration calculation results

From and including: Tuesday, September 11, 2001( 9 -11 tragedy which took place "seven days" BEFORE Rosh Ha Shanah in 2001.

To and including: Sunday, September 16, 2012 / 29th Elul ( Eve of Rosh Ha Shanah )

It is 4024 days from the start date to the end date, end date included ( brings you to the 29th Elul, 2012 )

2012 + 2012 = 4024

A double confirmation for the year 2012!

Or 11 years, 6 days including the end date

Alternative time units

4024 days can be converted to one of these units:
347,673,600 seconds
5,794,560 minutes
96,576 hours
574 weeks (rounded down)
In Christ, Tom Gaston